Causes of Gastritis Problems

- Dr K S Soma Sekhar Rao

Medical Gastroenterologist

what causes gastric problems see most importantly many of us talk about gastric problems every one of us says I have a gastric problem what does a patient actually mean when he says I have a gastric problem there are multiple symptoms which together patients say as gastric problems if I have a burning sensation in the chest it is called gastric problem. 
If I have a burning sensation in the upper abdomen call it as gastric problem if I have abdominal bloating or bloated feeling in the abdomen we call it as gastric problem and sometimes many people says if they are passing more flatus also they call it as gastric problem what is the most common cause the most important and common cause for these gastric problems is the type of food you eat if you eat a lot of oily food and fatty food if you eat infected food which has H pylori infection this infection goes into your stomach and stays there for prolonged period of time and if your diet doesn't contain fibre good amount of fruits and vegetables. You have these gastric problems this is the most common cause of any gastric problems.
Other most common causes are smoking and some medications which you use for many other reasons like painkillers and some medications which you use for diabetes also can cause gastric problems these are the most common reasons for any gastric problems each and everything should be evaluated separately and find out the cause and treat them accordingly