Hi9 | నేల మీద పడుకుంటే నడుము నొప్పి తగ్గుతుందా?

- Dr. G.P.V.Subbaiah

Spine Surgeon

Sleeping on the Floor for Back Pain from Hi9 by Dr. G.P.V.Subbaiah Spine surgeon working at Star Hospitals

Sleeping on the floor doesn't mean that it's healthy for them. .Sleeping on a mattress that's overly soft can cause back pain,When we sleep on a firm, flat surface our body, and especially our spine, gets a chance to realign to its natural posture much more easily. When we don't have a mattress hugging our body, far more spaces open up between us and the floor,there is a chance of reducing back pain in some people as well as sleeping on the floor has disadvantages also waking up in the morning with some shoulder pain .