What is Diabetic Retinopathy

- Dr Kasu Prasad Reddy


Diabetic retinopathy now diabetes is one of the most popular conditions that we all know almost every family I think among our elders sometimes in children as well that we see diabetes now. Today there are many effects that one would get with regards to the eyes because of diabetes, but today, first of all, I would like to define what diabetic retinopathy is all about diabetic retinopathy to understand that you should understand what a retina is so for that very quickly I will you know take you back to the camera the camera has a lens in the front to focus the image from outside and a film inside. 
Similarly, the eye also has a lens in the front and also a film in the back so this lens within our own eye while it focuses all the images that we see outside onto the film part in the eye which is called the retina. So the film that you come across in a camera is retina is in the eye, now this retina is full of multiple blood vessels it is like a tissue paper thickness and it is full of microscopic very tiny blood vessels and then it receives the picture and transmits that picture to a nerve like a wire to the brain so that we see the image it's like developing in the darkroom inside so this retina which is like I said very thin film like a tissue paper whistles the blood vessels basically get affected in diabetes so obviously. 
when there are a lot of blood vessels there it gets affected and a leak so in normal retina very healthy retina see some very crisp and clear picture but imagine that retina is now with leakage what does the what gets leaked sometimes little bit of blood sometimes little serum what we call exudates so all in all it is affecting that layer so that the image that drops on to the retina is no more clear and if it is not taken care at this stage slowly the retina gets deteriorated to the extent of going completely blind so diabetic retinopathy in simple terms.