How to prevent Knee Problems

- Dr.A.V.Gurava Reddy

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Hi9 | How to prevent Knee Problems - The only way to prevent the Knee problem is to keep your self fit and don't become over weight, don't abuse the knee joint, should avoid sitting on the floor, should avoid squatting like Indian toilet you should not go up and down the stairs these things increase the knee load by four times. Every time you go up and down the stairs, every time you squat in the indian toilet you knee joint take the more load than normal. The best way to avoid the knee problems is

1) Not to be over weight

2) Not to squat on the floor

3) Minimize going up and down the stairs

4) Do the squat strengthening exercises

You can't prevent completely knee getting arthritic because it is a aging process as you grow older your knee become arthritic there is no way but if you follow this four things which i told you can control the progress of the arthritics and you can slow down the process, so that you can leave a nice pain free life because of the knee arthritics